The biggest decision we took to show our concern for environment was in 2012 when we decided to shift the fuel source of entire plant from Liquid Diesel Oil (LDO) to Liquid Natural Gas (LNG). The decision was bold in the sense because it required substantial amounts of investment and given the global recession of 2009, which hit India in 2010-11, taking this step was precarious. However, the chairman of company, Mr. Sunil Poddar was extremely dedicated in his resolve of saving the environment and motivated the entire team of Vidushi to go ahead with the change.Today, he proved to be correct and Vidushi is the first private company in India to install a LNG storage unit and using it as a fuel source to run the plant. The decision to convert the plant to green fuel has not only decreased our operating costs by almost 10% but also reduced the carbon emissions by 25,000 tons annually.
With the LNG endeavor, we became one of the few companies in India to understand the importance of profitable but sustainable business. Vidushi always believes in producing safe products giving priority to its community, and the successful implementation of the project has increased our confidence to achieve it.